Friday, July 15, 2016

July 11, 2016

Dear Family,

It has been another week. It is starting to become harder to stay motivated and energetic every day. I can feel the pull to mentally check out from the work and just focus all my efforts on my future endeavors. My thoughts get consumed by future endeavors and seeing people I love again. It is not easy being a missionary and staying diligent to the end. It is a tall task. Even the best missionaries begin to lose motivation in their final weeks. This leaves me with a steep mountain to climb ahead of me. 

We had a Web-Ex meeting for all the missionaries going home (14 Elders) on Saturday. The Assistants and President Pratt hosted it. They talked about how it's important to finish strong and if we get severely trunky it will take a while for our areas to recover. A missionary going home with me commented how our time left gives him ambition to put forth his best efforts in helping this mission. Another missionary said that we all have those missionaries that we look up to and how they finished their missions. We should be an example to other missionaries that will follow us. President closed the meeting by saying Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he put 14 men together on the same day to help him in his first year of his mission. 

Last week's session of My Plan was "My Vision and Goals". In this session of My Plan there was a video of Return Missionaries talking about goals. One of my favorite quotes from this video was "Coming home from  a mission is an excellent trajectory of what an individual can become". Then it had me create a one-year vision for myself and make 3 goals for myself.  This week's session of My Plan is "Continuing Discipleship".

I rode a ferry for the first time in my life last Monday. There is island that is a part of our area. It is called Deer Island. It's an hour and a half away from us. We went out there to see a less active. When we got there, the less active decided he wanted to see an active member with us instead. So we saw the member with him instead and had a good visit with him. But it was so cool to be on a ferry. It was almost sunset when we rode back on it too. So I got to see the ocean at night up close. It was beautiful. 

On Tuesday: We gave service at the hospital. We played bowling with the hospital patients. Right after bowling, two of our investigators called us and dropped us. We were disappointed... especially since we didn't follow up with them as much as we should have. It was hard especially on Elder Belmonte. We went biking in Woodland, Maine in the afternoon until dinner with the Corbetts.

Wednesday: We had District Meeting in Fredericton. The training was on extending the baptismal invitation out of a sense of urgency and Book of Mormon prophets. After District Meeting we traveled to McAdam's and contacted a referral. Then we contacted a couple of formers. After our time in McAdam we had a lesson in Deer Island with a new investigator. We contacted him in St. George. It turned out that Deer Island is 2 hours away so by the time we got to McAdam we only had 2 hours there. When we got to Deer Island it took us 30 minutes just to find his house. We had a member with us that had to help navigate. The investigator is 28 years old and lives on his own. He wants to serve a mission for his church. He said he just wants to meet with us for friendship so next lesson we're checking for real intent. 

Thursday, we picked up another new investigator. He lives in Maine. We met him as we were stopping by a member. He feels very strongly that God hates him. We shared a part of the Plan of Salvation but not all of it. We had a lesson with a former investigator in the afternoon. He explained to us why he dropped us. 

That's pretty much it for this week. It was a pretty mild week. 

Have a good week!

Elder O'Brien (the older)

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