Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 18, 2016

Dear Family,

Another week has passed and now here I am writing one of my last few letters. I stayed focused for most of the week... except for Saturday. Saturday was my trunky day. I kept on seeing people's faces from back home pop into my mind. Faces that I love and miss. Faces that I am so excited to see again. I thought about the reception I will receive when I get home and that gave me goosebumps. I can literally feel people's anticipation of me coming back at home. 

For last weeks MyPlan Session, the session was titled "Continuing Discipleship". In this session I set goals and made plans for a series of simple gospel habits including: Daily Prayer, Scripture Study, Service, Sabbath Day Observance, Temple Worship, Family History, and Institute. It actually had me register for institute. So I did and I am now registered for an institute class in the summer. This week's MyPlan Session is "Self-Reliance."

It has been a good week for the work. On Monday, we went to Princeton, Maine. It is a little town in the middle of nowhere. It was there that we stopped by a less active that lives in a log cabin and has a really nice view in her backyard. She says she stopped going because she doesn't believe in organized religion and doesn't like being told what to do. We bore our testimonies of the blessings of coming to church. But she said she's not interested in coming back or meeting with us.

Tuesday: We helped a less active from Fredericton that lives in St. Andrews shingle his roof. I stayed alongside the roof line because I am afraid of heights. It was 30 degrees Celsius. I took out the staples in the roof with a hammer. After we helped with this guy's roof, we traveled to McAdam which is about an hour away. When we first got there, we stopped by a part-member family. The husband who is a non-member showed us his masonry collection and after a while he opened to us about why he doesn't believe in God. He doesn't believe in God because he's seen too much bad in his life. After the part-member, we picked up another new investigator named Paul King Kade. He was a referral. He has amnesia so he suffers from short-term memory loss. After that, we ate dinner at a restaurant in McAdam. 

Wednesday: We had District Meeting in the morning and then we had lunch at Pizza Delight with Sister Lee. In the afternoon we gave service at the hospital. Then we went bike contacting for awhile. We had dinner with Sis. Graham and then we gave a blessing to Sister Johnson. 

Thursday: It was Elder Beacham's birthday. He opened his presents in the morning and then we gave service at a food pantry. Then we had lesson with Daniel. We taught him the plan of salvation. Then we had dinner at the Devaney's for Elder B's birthday. They fed us pork and red velvet cake.

Friday: We continued to help that less active from Fredericton with his roof. Then we weekly planned and did our 10-day plan. After weekly planning, we ate supper, then headed downtown and talked to some people. Then we stopped by a less active and invited him to come to church. 

Saturday: We helped a member move some stuff out of her basement in the morning and then from 1 o'clock to 5 o'clock we were biking in 33 degree weather. It was brutal but it was worth it. We talked to a crazy college guy for 20 minutes about nature and fusion. He has some pretty weird ideas. After a long afternoon biking, we had correlation with our ward mission leader.

Sunday: We had church and then we gave Austin the Sacrament. After we gave Austin the sacrament, we stopped by the Daley's to see why they weren't at church. On our way there, we picked up a turtle off of the side of the road and played with it for awhile. We finally put it back in the pond after holding it for awhile. 

Have a good week!

1 Corinthians 3:10 "According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon." I am laying the foundation for future missionaries in this mission. Every seed counts. Every day counts. 

Elder O'Brien (the older)

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